Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Links Hotel, Station Road, Fleet, UK

How does it feel? Familiar, but that's about as good as it gets. It's more like a sports bar, than a pub. Lots of large TV screens, and some pool tables. If that's what you're into, you'll probably be very happy here. If you're after a sit down and brown, it might be best to try somewhere else. When it comes to the toilet, this place feels outright unsafe. No locks!

Did they serve you ale in a glass Well no. Smooth flow just doesn't count. Lager just doesn't count either.

Pickled eggs/salty snacks? No eggs! The usual supply of crisps and nuts only. The food from the kitchen looks salty, but I'm not that hungry!

Will you be sad to leave?Nope. Unless something really weird and unexpected happens very soon.

Rating (out of 7):. 2 Just!

Friday 25 November 2011

The Market Porter

How does it feel?Wow, busy! So much ale, this is a real treat! We've been forced outside due to the sheer popularity, but still I like it here. There is a peculiar smell, can't tell if it's the number of people here, or just the place. I'll try to get back here fora repeat review at a quieter time

Did they serve you ale in a glass Only if you stay inside. We told a little lie, to get ale in a glass, but the bouncer was quite astute, and quickly directed us back into the sanctuary of the Porter's own four walls.

Pickled eggs/salty snacks? So busy I didn't even ask. There is a tasty looking snack/sausage shop next door though.

Will you be sad to leave? Yes, so much ale to choose from, rarely do you find a pub with this variety. On the plus, there is a good curry house round the corner which is where we're headed.

Rating (out of 7):This is a hard one. Plenty of ale, good atmosphere, but nowhere to sit and so busy! Overall it's got to be a 5!

Location:Borough Market, London, UK

Saturday 19 November 2011

The Clifton, 16 Regent Street, Bristol, UK.

How does it feel? Smooth, and brown. It's got a kind of bistro vibe, but not in a bad way. Plenty of seating, and by the seems of things you can reserve a table if you are planning a visit.

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Yes, plenty of choice of ale and for those interested some exotic lagers. We were offered a choice of glass - with or without a handle, which was a nice option.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs?. Sadly no eggs, but a fine selection of nuts etc were available from jars behind the bar.

Will you be sad to leave? Actually yes, in a way. Its very comfortable and relaxing in here. Very quiet crowd tonight which helps the atmosphere. But I'm consoled by the fact there are plenty of other pubs to visit in this part of Bristol.

Rating (out of 7): Another 6! Well worth a visit.

Sunday 23 October 2011

The Crown, Grove Road, London, UK.

How does it feel? Nice! Small inside, but comfortable seats with cushions! Views out across the park help me forget I'm in the East End of London. I also like places where all the furniture doesn't match.

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Yup, Doombar is on offer here. It's good to see this ale growing in popularity, and available outside the West Country.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs? I didn't indulge, but they had nuts etc in jars behind the bar. I did eat here, and the food was exceptional.

Will you be sad to leave? I think so, I'm enjoying my sit down in here.

Rating (out of 7): 6. Friendly and helpful staff always add to the rating. Dogs were allowed in as well which is also a plus point.

Monday 17 October 2011

Three Tuns, Broad Street, Hay on Wye, Hereford, UK

How does it feel? Good! A pub of two halves. One side is cosy, full of wood and stone, the other quite airy. Relaxed place to escape all the excitement in the town of books.

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Two ale choices, both from the Wye Valley Brewery. I am told with good authority that this is the only place in the world where Butty Bach is delicious! I enjoyed it enough to have two.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs?. Only high quality crisps on offer here, including the previously undiscovered Stilton and Grape flavour.

Will you be sad to leave?
Probably, but we are yet to eat so may be here some time yet.

Rating (out of 7): For a beer and a sit down this is a 4. A disappointing wait for food, but this isn't a restaurant review so I won't let that influence the rating. I think they struggled with our large group, when the food arrived it was delicious.

Friday 7 October 2011

The Crab and Dragon, Frimley Road, Camberley, Surrey, UK

How does it feel? Wow, this is a hard one. First appearance wasn't good, it's one of those modern re-fits which are not normally my first choice. The refit was possibly a year or so ago by the seems of things. However as I settle in, it is ok. There's lots of leather seats. You know how a schnauzer's fur is softer than it looks, it feels like that.

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Yes!
When I walked in I expected that a 'cream flow' affair would be the closest to ale that I would get. I was pleasantly surprised to find they seemed to have Young's as standard, with a couple of others available. However the focus seems to be on the yellow stuff.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs? McCoys again! Might just be me, but my boat won't float on a sea of crumpled crisps. Peanuts were available but I didn't even ask for an egg, it just didn't seem worth it.

Will you be sad to leave? Not tonight, but I am quite enjoying my sit down and brown here. First impression aside, I'm actually having a nice time.

Rating (out of 7): Again only a 3. I'm really stuck on the fence with this. Maybe I'll come back another day, maybe not.

Saturday 1 October 2011

The Thatch, Hobbs Hill, Croyde, Devon, UK

How does it feel? Like I haven't been away! This is sadly only a holiday haunt for me, but it's always welcoming. It's like your own front room, but looking like a pub, with more people, and a consent supply of surfing videos. It's a plus being here out of season, able to find a seat and order drinks easily.

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Oh my yes! A whole host of St Austell ales on draught. I could stay here a while.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs? Sadly no eggs, but legendary nachos. The chef does to nachos what Jesus did to fish. I can't believe that was one serving!

Will you be sad to leave? Yes, but luckily I'm on holiday and will be back tomorrow. Maybe even later on today.

Rating (out of 7): It's got be a 6 from me.

The Manor, St Mary's Road, Croyde, Devon, UK.

How does it feel? Like when you walk into a pub, and everyone looks at you, except there is no-one else here. Totally deserted. It is a Monday afternoon out of season though. Otherwise a comfortable bar area and a large restaurant. Unless anyone else turns up I doubt we'll stay to test the menu.

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Yes, a few decent ales on offer. Nothing inspirational though on this front.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs? Just the usual selection of crisps etc. Nothing stands out here either. Again there is a menu for snacks.

Will you be sad to leave?I hope I do get to leave, pubs this empty always freak me out.

Rating (out of 7): I'll give the benefit of the doubt, and offer a 2. Reasonable ale, and probably ok when there are more/some people.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

The De Havilland Arms - Elvetham Heath, Fleet, Hants,UK.

How does it feel? This is a new pub set amongst the rolling red brick countryside of a new housing estate. It's difficult to escape from that. Otherwise, a little like I'm drinking ale in a pre-school. Saying that though, the people with the kids look mostly happy. I've certainly enjoyed a few visits here with friends with children, quite a family sort of pub. The outside patio area is quite nice, and I feel happier here. Nice open fires for the winter...

Did they serve you ale in a glass? Yes they did! One of the redeeming features of this place, delicious Badger Ales.

Salty snacks/pickled eggs? God how I wish for an egg...Sadly just McCoys and Mini Chedders for me. They do serve from the menu until quite late though.

Will you be sad to leave? Not really, never really am.

Rating (out of 7): This has to be a 3. The good draught ale and fires score for me.